Dudes and Gals of NIT Warangal. After what might seem like a long long sabbatical, myself, mister A.J pocketful of PJs is back with his tales of woes.
Latest khabar from NIT Warangal is that Electrical Engineering students have started growing tails. Tails of patch chords from the Control Systems Lab. This is pukka and pukka tail, folks - No cooked up tale.
Latest khabar from NIT Warangal is that Electrical Engineering students have started growing tails. Tails of patch chords from the Control Systems Lab. This is pukka and pukka tail, folks - No cooked up tale.
Anyway, enough of serious talk. Let's see the latest fun thing that's going on at the hostels. Today morning, I was hungrier than Oliver Twist. But what I got for breakfast was this: