Monday, June 23, 2008


Seenu and I have been room-mates for a year now. Mistake. Closet-mates, if at all there is this word. No problemo dude, even if there isn't. You see, if I'm not an Oxford sophomore, it's only coz I don't give a damn to what's there and what's not in that God-forsaken pillow of a dictionary. So...where was I?....yeah! see, the fun getting into college is that one gets to be closet-mates, bench-mates, shared-morning-newspaper-reading mates, shitting-in-adjacent-toilets mates, farting-at-the-same-time mates, and many more doing-this and doing-that mates.

Huh!..all this is a whack on the face at what I'm trying to blab about...so without further ado, let me get back to the point...So!...why did I say 'closet-mates'??

Well,the truth is this:

Closet does more justice in enabling the reader construe the kind of living-space we had to inhabit.

Hats off to the first year boys in 13th block, NIT W!!....or should I say, vests off!!(I'd gladly pull them off my back in our hostel!!...sickening heat for someone who's so conditioned to the air conditioner, ha!) As I was saying....those 3x3x3 cubic metre thingies were more like jails with windows...seriously....I watched Ashton Kutcher getting locked up into a better looking thing in ' The Butterfly Effect'. And that's sad.

Especially when you fit in two young adults into such cells, with only a not-so-large fenestra as saving grace...

These 'rooms' or whatever you call them, are meant for 'the single-bachelor-boy'...yet we bear the brunt of getting stuffed up as true blue couples!

And come next sem, it'll be four in a room(or jailhouse) meant for three...'let's be positive', I tell myself...4:3 is 25% superior to 2:1.

I all the more wish those guys building that mega-hostel Godspeed...can't wait much longer getting a 'room' for a change.

It's 2:40 am, and I'm comfortably lodged in a cushioned easy-chair. With the AC being an electrically run machine rather than the space by the window sill. Three more weeks for vacation to end!

I ain't complaining.

1 comment:

Ash said...

i'd much rather have a closet mate dude than alone!!!