Sunday, September 28, 2008


What transpired recently in the park close to my house- which I visited for the first time in my life during the pre-sandaas period (that definition highlighting the first thing that's struck off my to-do list for the day ), kept me laughing all day long. I was laughing at laughter. Plus a thing and a half more...I don't make sense!

Connect these words to end up with something sensible enough.

Park...dawn...guffaws...group...oldies...arms raised...ha ha-s...contagious...aunties, joggers, and dogs. Merriment silently first, and exponentially next, works its way through my brain and this transducer of a body transmutes nerve impulses into splits of mirth.

Well, I sure did miss a lot in these many years...

Morning saw me awake unexpectedly at 5 am. I thought, why not get to the park for a change. The incentive, though was a tip off by a good friend that a damsel was on the prowl every weekend morn. I just shouldn't miss it, was my instinctive reaction!

But as it turned out, the lassie had other plans. And I couldn't play spoilsport. So I just watched on, throwing an insouciant stare at what was there...reminding myself to drink away at the half-full glass!

A group of elderly women...and men (chhee chhee) with their arms seemingly embracing the Gods...though only reaching out to a handful of leaves- laughing sans souci...was I still in bed? dreaming? weird to dream that way...though my recent dreams had been weirder still!

The ha-has got me doing the same in no time...Were these people nuts? Were they some sort of a club? just ten feet from such entertaining eccentricity, a dog was wooing a she-dog,even as I was attempting coming to terms with the reason behind my mirthful state (now having more tee-hees than ha-has)

Looking up Google, and discussing the matter with a couple of friends has enlightened me towards something called laughter-therapy. To really know more just click here.

Anyways...it isn't anything new for most of you reading this, but I kinda liked the idea totally...thank you dost for the incentive...though I don't need that one anymore!!! To think of our grandparents shedding their inhibitions and laughing like a pack of clowns in public...
ha ha ha!

A sight to remember.


adityasrinivasan said...

gr8 job again AJ.. Keep it up nd ur popularity level skyrockets( it is high now too!! ) not taking away ne credit frm u... well done mate...


Anirudh said...

ah...well,isn't that what we'd call malai makkhan?...bhaiyya, voh sab khaane tak hee theek hai!... ;-)