Friday, November 28, 2008


Now don't get me wrong. Even though I'm in no mood for Shakespearean conflict, I find the knot not very funny. It's solely the teacher's problem- whether to P or not. 

To P or not to P, that is the question;
Whether 'tis nobler for the child to suffer
The bings and bangs of outrageous grades,
and by failing mend them. To cry, to weep...

So much depends on us (read male). Only if you're a good mama's boy and mug the needful, do them ol' papas "P". Let us make their choices simpler, so that they can relieve themselves of the nobility of letting the child suffer (with all due respects to the bard, and a tinge compunctious for the mockery of the Hamlet)...let them P, would be the Band-aid! 

Now, what could be the reasons behind the hard (or maybe seemingly stooopid) feelings? Ummm....

What's with these balding oldies to favor the effeminate when it comes to grading. I've witnessed them being 'pushed' to higher grades. Or the occasions where you can do anything but ignore the squint in quality of attention and patience in hearing. Gender bias would be too loose a term. The issue is also something that one wouldn't challenge directly, owing to reasons plain and clear. Trying to refrain from twisted theories (which might as well make more sense!), I'd like to think they're silently trying to promote the cause of encouraging female participation. 

Wow! Am I kidding!!!

And then we have had a lecturer this sem who had enough nerve to say all the things he said, and do all the things he did. We can't do anything but stand the nonsense. Pitfalls of autonomy and relative grading. Yet, none would risk complaining.

So where does all that peeing come from? Leave me the frustration of going through annotating the joke. 

It'd be easier for them to P or F a young laddie than deny a girl an EX. Me over-reacting? Gratuitous criticism, eh? Pass me a drink, willya!


Siddharth Agarwal said...

Have you ever thought of using simpler words to describe your pain? Maybe, if you do so, it would trickle down better among the masses!

Anirudh said...

thanx for making sense, buddy! Unlike Me.

adityasrinivasan said...

i do agree wit u mate, though we must learn to live wit it.. we got 5 sems ahead of us mate!